Saturday, November 6, 2010

Bieber Fever & The Series Of Unfortunate Events

Generally speaking a week that begins with a Justin Bieber costume will be a good what the hell happened to my week???

OK i'll back it up a step. Yes, I was Justin Bieber for Halloween...and YES, it was hilarious. However, I am pretty sure that my Bieber Fever cursed me. So basically this story is a tragedy and you should brace yourself for the 7 days of demise that were maybe/probably/kinda caused by a serious case of Bieber Fever.

You see, after a rousing night of Halloween festivities with many teachery friends (all dressed in assorted varieties of costume) I was awoken to the reality that I had less than 72 hours to complete a 20 page research paper. Yea, you read correct 20 PAGES! It's a lot in case you were unaware. What's worse is that this was a paper on the changes in Southern plantation owner's justifications of slavery in the early 1800's as seen through economic and faith based rhetoric changes. I am fairly certain that sentence alone bored half of you. SOOO can you imagine the thrill I had starring down the barrel of that assignment? In case you can't i'll spell it out for you....I would rather have a route canal without the drugs. No Joke!

In the midst of conquering that nasty beast I was confronted with tragedy 2 of my Bieber related afflictions. AKA car problems. Can you say yay for check engine lights?!?! Oh yes, on my way to my internship I find that my car is acting like an irritable child as her check engine light began to flash at me feverishly. This meant that I had to go be all teachery and then take gretchen (my car) to the doctor (praying all the way not to brake down or that it would be so expensive I would have to sell my first born child).

Did I mention that at this point I had only 4 pages written and was now down to about 36 hours till deadline......oh joy!


To say that the rest of my week followed suit would be an understatement. However, the lack of sleep and overwhelming amount of stress that was inflicted upon me thanks to Bieber Fever has left me a little hazy on the details. However, I do know that it involved a lot of crying, several moments that were utterly gut wrenching, a handful of instances that involved nail biting, and a deep seeded desire for chocolate. OH!. Also, lots and lots and lots of coffee!

SO....screw you J. Bieber and your evil FEVER....grr!


1 comment:

  1. definitely blame the biebs. it was an amazing costume, tho. I'm sorry your week was so shitty. hopefully things will get better. WE'RE ALMOST DONE!!!! chin up, pretty lady! and we should do our Cupz coffee date soon :D
