Saturday, October 23, 2010

This Is A BAM Good Story

The Story of BAM is about....

No, not this guy!

Not this guy either.

The story of BAM is about these girls:

It all started when 3 ladies who, on their own were totally freaking awesome, all decided to go to college and become teachers. Now before you disregard them for their insane career choice give these blondes a chance!

They were each smart, and funny, and realllllllly busy living their lives. This meant that upon first meeting in some pointless class or other they were polite and cordial and said peace out before forming a major post-class coffee date bonding thing. 

HOWEVER, the time did come when they finally found themselves outside of school enjoying a birthday celebration at the same establishment.YAY! 

Soon the ladies were planning shopping trips, dinners out, movie nights, scorpion squashing endeavors, and other silly shenanigans. Slowly but surely a close friendship like bond began to emerge until a fateful dinner trip to the fabulous POSTINOS!

With L-Town along for the festive ride the ladies found them selves hurling insults over bruschetta until tears ran down their face from laughter. Needless to say, it was memorable and....well lets just say that being told to "relax" while walking down an ally full of dog crap has taken on new meaning.

L-Town had to bounce but....

By the end of the evening the ladies had decided to unify them selves and BAM was born....quiet creatively by fusing their initials together. (Oh yea it was that simple!)

....and thats the whole BAM story!


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My Phone Is Narcoleptic

It is probably no surprise to anyone from this century that phones have a very short life span. As a matter of fact, if they were a species of human they would have gone extinct by now. What's worse is that most phone carriers won't give you a deal on a new phone until 2 years have passed. Hmm...lets do the math: phone lasts 1 year, must wait 2 years to buy an affordable phone??? This doesn't add up. Anyhow, two freaking years is a really long time! So in fruitless efforts to save money we try and coax are phones into lasting us the full two years. Usually, you can convince yourself this is possible by ignoring the rapidly declining functionality of your phone.

For example, my phone has become narcoleptic; basically it shuts off and takes a little nap wherever and whenever it pleases!. NOW, theoretically, phones are supposed to be getting better, faster, more advanced, and as we all know they have more gadgets, apps, and gizomos than is really even necessary. However, this better, faster, more advanced business is a LIE a lie I tell you. How is my phone, which is only two years old, any good to me if it shuts off all the time? Isn't the basic purpose of a phone to communicate with people? When the phone shuts off I am obviously not able to utilize it for its most basic function! WTF!

Problem Numero Dos! When my aged and decrepit phone actually feels like being awake it is still only mildly functional. Lets refer to this lovely diagram of my phone. Marvel at the many many arrows pointing to the many many functions. Note the SEND button (number 16 on our visual aid ladies and gentlemen) DOESNT WORK!!! Yes, the button that is key to the whole operation has ceased to function completely. You heard me, the SEND button no work no more This means that I have to use ninja skills just to place an outgoing call....and lets not even discuss sending a text message.

In what universe is this OK? why have a phone if it can't function on its most primitive level? Yes, the camera works and the alarm is function is top notch, but I can't make a freaking phone call on my own freaking phone! I ask what universe is that OK?

I think we should all riot and lute the nearest cellular phone provider and demand a better product. What happened to the days when your phone was soooo indestructible you could wield it like a weapon and give somebody a concussion and then sit down a place a call? seriously! what happened?


Friday, October 8, 2010

Busy...I'll Show You Busy!

When I was little I thought I knew what busy was. I was convinced that a full day of school a little homework and dinner out with the family was a fully loaded day. HAHA now I call that vacation. (not sure if this is the best or most pathetic statement I have ever can decide).

Honestly, I like being busy...I can't handle having nothing to do....i'll go stir crazy in about 3 and a half minutes. However, when you are little no one explains exactly how much goes into being a grown up.No one told me that the nap option was not a punishment but rather a luxury that would disappear shortly. No one mentioned that bills are like homework but more expensive and with harsher deadlines. NO ONE bothered to explain that driving a car meant giving up a free chauffeur or that having a guaranteed lunch that cost a dollar was the best deal in town. WHY DID NO ONE TELL ME?

Even getting the mail has lost all its appeal...unless there is a Netflix movie inside, thats still fun. Nonetheless, my point is that I was living in ignorant bliss as a child and it was great. I thought being a grown up meant doing whatever you wanted. I was certain that this also meant lots of free time because there was no school and you had no bed time. All of that turned out to be complete and utter CRAP!

As it turns out, being a grown up consists of long days filled with work (crazy I know!). You have to drive yourself to that job and from that job (who knew?). Turns out you also have to cook and clean AND I have discovered that putting the laundry away was the easy part not the pain in the ass part! 

This is what I thought my days would be like when I was little.

This is reality:
and it includes things like...laundry, internship, work, class, homework, project, meeting, buy toilet paper, eat something preferably something that won't make you fat, get gas in the car, cry, fall asleep while reading a book, ignore technological gadgets, Facebook, save a puppy.

To add insult  to injury there are a litany of other shocking realizations when you enter the busy world of adulthood like:

*The Price of Gas
*TV costs money...and so does the internet
*Telephones cost money too!
*Rent, and Electricity, and Car Insurance are probably all due on the same day.
*Your boss will not give you a free pass if your mom writes you a note (elementary schools lied to me!)
*Putting on your shirt inside out is not endearing and no one will tell you.
*The kids on the Disney channel are not really talented so you will survive when the boy band breaks up.
*There is such a thing as eating to much candy.

Honestly, this list could go on...I haven't even thrown in the cost of a night at the movies let alone a much needed cocktail. To top it all off there are only 24 hours in a day and for some ridiculous reason that is non-negotiable. Oh yea! and bedtime was not a punishment (that one was a shocker!)

Moral of the story kiddos: Adulthood is really goddamn busy!


Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Random Tangent

Randomness is part of what makes life so awesome. It keeps me going when I am fairly certain that God is one of the sour patch commercial kids and everything is going wrong. HOWEVER, when you are an educator not all random tangents are good. As a matter of fact, sometimes they are pointless and stupid and make me want to rip my eyeballs out.

SOOOO here is a little How To on Random Tangents...

Good Tangent:

Telling a story about your brother piercing his belly button when he was a teenager to illustrate the point you are making about "Negligence in the Classroom" and how teachers are responsible for kids while they are at school.

This is the good kind of totally random because it was funny and unexpected but was also related to the topic at hand in a way that we students understood and found funny. ALSO, we were able to quickly jump back in to more appropriate class discussions.

Bad Tangent:

Randomly discussing 1920's brothels when your students are discussing methods to effectively teach civil rights issues through the use of a videos about integration in American baseball.

There is NO REASON to start talking about the brothels of the 1920's EVER. Seriously, all the eye's rolling and the confused facial expressions were not a look of intrigue or fascination it was shear bewilderment. It has nothing to do with anything and there is no hope of returning to topic at hand. Just sayin...

POINT BEING....totally random off the wall crap is great in your everyday life BUT if you want to be a teacher pick the RIGHT random crap to talk about with your students or we will assume you are stupid and ignore you.