Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Random Tangent

Randomness is part of what makes life so awesome. It keeps me going when I am fairly certain that God is one of the sour patch commercial kids and everything is going wrong. HOWEVER, when you are an educator not all random tangents are good. As a matter of fact, sometimes they are pointless and stupid and make me want to rip my eyeballs out.

SOOOO here is a little How To on Random Tangents...

Good Tangent:

Telling a story about your brother piercing his belly button when he was a teenager to illustrate the point you are making about "Negligence in the Classroom" and how teachers are responsible for kids while they are at school.

This is the good kind of totally random because it was funny and unexpected but was also related to the topic at hand in a way that we students understood and found funny. ALSO, we were able to quickly jump back in to more appropriate class discussions.

Bad Tangent:

Randomly discussing 1920's brothels when your students are discussing methods to effectively teach civil rights issues through the use of a videos about integration in American baseball.

There is NO REASON to start talking about the brothels of the 1920's EVER. Seriously, all the eye's rolling and the confused facial expressions were not a look of intrigue or fascination it was shear bewilderment. It has nothing to do with anything and there is no hope of returning to topic at hand. Just sayin...

POINT BEING....totally random off the wall crap is great in your everyday life BUT if you want to be a teacher pick the RIGHT random crap to talk about with your students or we will assume you are stupid and ignore you.



  1. Alyse, could you imagine us co-teaching together? Our class would just have to be like an introduction to randomness. We would both be going off on so many different tangents we would never ever get the point. lol

    The other day my mentor teacher went off on a tangent on trying to get one of her students a date to the Homecoming. lol. It was pretty funny.

    Also, The Hangover is awesome.

  2. haha SO true shannanigans! although we would also combine our genius into having the most creative awesome lesson plans ever. We would just have to have realllllly smart kids to follow our rapid fire tangents
