Sunday, September 26, 2010

Patience Is A Virtue I Need More Of...

Despite popular belief I do not actually believe the world revolves around me....I did pay attention on that particular day in science class.

As you can see from this lovely illustration theses are THEE 8 planets (poor pluto got the axe a few years back) and at the center of this universe is NOT me (see look its the sun!)

Ok so back to the point at hand which is that I need to learn to be a more patient individual; after all patience is a virtue, and surprisingly it is a virtue that is tightly linked with narcissism. NOW, before you go and get your panties in a bunch over that statement let me explain.

Narcissism, or at least the brand of narcissism I prefer, is having the confidence to appreciate what makes you awesome. However, that means you have to be an expert of sorts on what is awesome...which means that sometimes you have to shut the heck up and listen to other people's awesomeness.

This requires patience, which as I stated before, I need more of. I used to think I had a lot of patience because I could sit through a boring class and convince the professor I was paying attention. However, I have discovered that I am maybe not such a good listener because I am impatient and want to say all the totally fabulous thoughts inside my head before they float away. BUT if I had just listened I would know those thoughts are probably irrelevant, and nobody wants to be irrelevant! Irrelevant people make terrible narcissists.

SO I am gonna work on commandeering some patience (I wonder if I can get it in bulk at Costco). Oh! maybe I will make that my New Year's resolution (yes I know its is september but there is no statute of limitations on selecting a resolution). So hopefully, I can figure out this business in the next three months. Clock's ticking! Wish me luck!


1 comment:

  1. I need more patience too! I mean, I suppose we all could use more patience. :) But I have always thought of you to be a great listener dear- just so you know.
