Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Age & The Space Time Continuum

I am not old, but I am starting to grasp the concept....

The phrase "oh, that makes me feel old" is starting to have some actual tangibility in my life and I am still trying to figure out what to do with it. I mean, I am only 21...I figured I had a decade or so before that phrase meant anything to me. Nonetheless, I am realizing that adulthood is here and there is no going back.

There was a simpler time just a decade ago where major life decisions consisted of which flavor slurpy was most satisfying or whether to watch Rugrats or Doug after school. "Work" was a packet of worksheets do at the end of the week and consequences for misbehavior were pulling a card and having to admit it to your parents. Now, I am faced with what's the best toilet paper purchase for my money and if I can find my favorite show free online because TV costs money (yea that one came as a shocker...childhood is a liar!). Now consequences can land you in court or at least traffic school, and a note from your mother means nothing to your boss.

However, I can handle all that change (most days), BUT what I cannot wrap my mind around is the fact that there are children who are nearly my height who were born in the year 2000! What the heck happened!!! One minute, I am being an obnoxious 6th grader asking everyone if they are Y2k compliant and the next thing I know the kids I teach were born in 1998...this is not ok! Furthermore, my little sister is a legal adult with a drivers license and a job and planning for college...this is also not ok! She is supposed to be 12 for forever. Alright, I concede, it's ok, but its weird....really weird and I don't like it at all.

How am I supposed to be young and fun if everything I know is now "old school" and uncool...oh god is "cool" not cool anymore. See what I mean, this is a slippery slope of insanity that I am treacherously mastering here. I know that I am fabulous but if the young-ins don't get my amazing whit and incredible charm than... thans........ahh who am I kidding it's there loss. I actually think I should pity these little two thousand whatever babies, they are stuck with anime and Hannah Montana.

I may be getting older but I definitely got the better end of the bargain...real cartoons, technology boom, surplus economy, and the ability to swim in the ocean without fear of crude oil. Heck, I even got a few years in before everyone stopped drinking from the hose on a hot afternoon.

It's one thing to realize time is flying buy and another thing entirely to appreciate the time that has passed. I may feel old from time to time but the journey to get hear has been pretty awesome and I think that will always trump feeling old.


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