Wednesday, August 4, 2010

If A Nap Can't Cure It The World Is Coming To An End.

I have a firm belief in naps. period.

The way that I see it a nap can cure anything, and if it can't the world is coming to an end, and we should all get large canned foods from Costco and hang out in a fall out shelter playing Quelf.

This may seem melodramatic and nonsensical but really it is quiet sane and logical because Quelf and fall out shelters are always a recipe for fun times.... but also because naps do a body good for all of the following reasons:

First of all a nap rejuvenates, refreshes, and restores the body. It says "hey body take a breather. I'll make sure you auto-pilot this business and wake up in time for dinner." (this really is a sweet deal if you think it over thoroughly).

Secondly, a nap allows your body to fill decent chunks of time without spending money, eating something unhealthy, staring at any sort of electronic device, or pushing yourself to any sort of physical height. It is almost like being the boy in the bubble for an hour or much damage can you do all curled up on the couch in silence and peace....very little. Although, I must add in that if you are injuring yourself during a nap your are doing it incorrectly and I highly suggest you consult with a niece, nephew or other small child...they have nap-time on lock down.

Thirdly, napping increases social productivity. Some may say this is tomfoolery but I say nay! You see, when done properly a nap extends productive waking hours father into the evening past work and whatnot. Therefore, more time to mingle in the evenings. Why is mingling in the evenings so important? Mental health...duh! Humans need social interaction in their natural habitats or they go postal and....well, that is usually highly unpleasant.

Fourth, and finally, a nap is just a good freaking idea. You wake up with the headaches of your pre-nap day gone.  That grumpy frown previously plastered on your face has disappeared! You are hungry and excited about dinner, ready to chat with friends and samba (hey, I don't judge! haha)....and this is why a nap cure's everything!



  1. I too am a firm believer in naps! My best friend and I always talk naps together so I would add to this list that it is also a bonding experience! haha

    lol I loved your thing about small children having naps on lock down! They sure do! lol

    Man, I think I am going to take a nap as soon as I am finished with my new blog. Thanks for the inspiration Alyse!

  2. I LOVE that Quelf is a must have for apocalyptic times :D and I need a nap right now. I hope I can sleep on the plane!
