Thursday, August 12, 2010

The Sun Is An Evil Two Faced Double Crosser

Having been an Arizona resident since 2002 I feel I can accurately, and with a great deal of bias, say that the Sun is trying to murder me...slowly, and with a rare form of Chinese torture.
As a youngster I truly enjoyed the warmth and joy that the sun brought to my life. I would draw happy suns beaming down rays of joy and loveliness on little fields of flowers. (Ok..on second thought, almost all kids draw this exact picture so this may have no significance whatsoever). 

Nonetheless, I think it is safe to say that Senor Sun and I started out on good terms. Then I moved to Arizona,  and for some reason or other this really through a wrench in the relationship. 

The Sun has since been taking his aggression out on me in more ways than one and its is borderline obsessive...seriously a restraining order might be necessary! 

Below are my list of grievances with the Sun:

1. Warming the earth is fine and dandy but anything over a hundred is cruel and unusual punishment and I have been cruel and unusually punished for several months.

2. Causing people, such as my self, to sweat profusely just by walking from the house to the car is rude!

3. Leaving large red painful markings on peoples skin is abuse in all 50 states....just sayin.

4. When children and the elderly are at risk for death while not doing anything to provoke it I think it is safe to say a line has been crossed!

5. Last but certainly not least...being able to cook a full bacon and egg breakfast on the side walk at 8 am is just wrong!!!!

So think twice before making friends with the Sun because he is the, two faced, double crossing, jealous ex type. You have been warned.



  1. lol! Alyse! I agree with you! The sun is no friend of mine! Something must be done! Grab your pitchforks people!

  2. hahahaha this made me laugh because I also considered writing a blog about this. I am very close to turning into one of those people that carry around an umbrella and mini-fan everywhere I go. And I would do it proudly in rebellion against the sun. Yeah, take that Sun, your fierce rays will not pierce the fibers of my umbrella! BOOM!

  3. Everytime I put on SPF 50+ I feel like I am giving the sun the finger!

  4. hahaha I love this!!! I mean, it is awful that you have to deal with the sun like that, but it's funny!
    I am ashamed to say that I am still in love with the sun. This may have something to do with the lack of a warming-figure in my life in the rugged north, and could possibly be defined as an abusive relationship, since I have been sunburned more times this summer than I have been in my entire life, but I still love the sun.
