Friday, August 6, 2010

I Fight Mother Nature Amongst Other Things

I am not a girl who shies away from adventure by any means. For the most part I rather like out of door excursions. I will admit that I refuse to camp because you have to sleep on the ground and pee in a whole in the ground ... Nonetheless, an eventful day outside is quiet enjoyable and I am a fan! Therefore, when one of my super amazing and completely awesome friend came into town I decided to show her just what Arizona has to offer; despite the heat that makes you feel like the Lord Almighty is trying to cook you in city sized frying pan. These festivities included the Salt River and Slide Rock amongst other things.

Salt River Tubing

Slide Rock in Sedona

Each and every adventure that we took part in was utterly fabulous, completely exhausting and totally worth it. On the first day she was in town we loaded up the car with old sheets and sun screen and headed for the Salt River. For those who have not are silly and have missed out on lots and lots of shenanigans. Basically you wrap a rubber tube in an old sheet and float blissfully down the river along with lots of usually intoxicated individuals. 

However, this is also where I had to begin my battle with nature. River currents, for some reason or other are really not obedient and, despite my best efforts, could not be bent to my will. This often leads to clumps of tubers careening into rocky over grown riverbanks. Pleasant? I think not and no matter how much you beg and plead you are at the mercy of mother nature. What's worse is that if you anger mother nature, which is relatively easy to do since she is a cranky old broad, she will usually take a shoe or a hat or car keys from you while slamming you but first into a large rock. So for this particular outdoor adventure I had one goal in mind...I would battle mother nature until she let me off the river with everything I came with.

Round 1....Mission Success!

Now a few days later, clearly riding the wave a sweet victory from my river trip I planned a little day trip to beautiful Sedona Arizona. If you haven't been to Sedona either, than you are just sad and I feel sorry for your misfortune. Thus, I wanted to take my friend to this gorgeous place to prevent her from being sad and misfortunate AND because it is truly unlike anything you have ever seen or will see again in your lifetime....for instance:

Clearly this place is gorgeous! So we headed out to Slide Rock State Park where many a brave souls slide down the slippery worn away rocks. As you can see this put me and mother nature back in the ring once again! Clearly the cold water and slippery rock surfaces were on mother nature's side, you see she is clever that way, she will use even poor unsuspecting rocks to her advantage. But undaunted I ventured deep into mother nature's territory armed with...well....nothing. After several faltering steps it looked like she might win. This is when my good friend discovered the power of Anchor Rock! You see for nearly half an hour we had battled three and a half inches of water as it rushed over those slimy red rocks, but when we discovered a five pound slate like little peace of heaven I began to show mother nature what was up. Anchor Rock allowed us to maintain a sturdy grip on mother nature as we shimmied our way up the shallow stream. We soon found our self venturing deep into the beautiful Sedona area laughing and playing merrily like school children on the playground at recess (after they get hopped up on chocolate milk and sloppy joe's)....So... take that mother nature!

In the end I was victorious and our little vacation/reunion/fiesta was a total success and I can't wait to smack mother nature around again sometime soon!



  1. You can still go camping! Most camp sites have a bathroom and you can always sleep on an air mattress if you buy one!

    I am glad you had so much fun with your bff and also that you showed mother nature whats up! lol

  2. Thanks lover it was awesome although I think I will stick with my indoor plumbing and bed at home hahaha day excursions are where its at for a girl like me
