Friday, July 23, 2010

Adventures in Obsessive Compulsive Behavior

While I have no medical proof I am certain I have at least a mild form of OCD or at least some sort of obsessive organizational disorder. Either way this has led to many interesting encounters with strangers who think I am insane. Among those strangers is the entire staff at my local Costco. You see Costco likes to go green and put your economy sized purchases in old boxes. I am all for this concept, however, they do this day in and day out and not once has the practice made perfect. Every time I shop there I inevitably repack my box in order to maximize the amount of food that can reasonably fit in the box. In my obviously twisted mind this is not a difficult concept. You see a box, usually an oddly shaped box with only 3 out of 4 sides, and you place the gargantuan grocery items in said box with efficiency. Key word here is efficiency! Am I the only person who see's the sense in this sort of organizational compulsion?


Not all of my obsessive tendencies make as much logical sense. For example, I cannot handle hangers chillin amongst the clothes if they are not hard at work holding my clothes up. These lazy unused hangers cannot simply fraternize with their friends on there day off! So I take my empty hangers and put them in a special part of the closet. But, oh the madness does not stop there, I then color coordinate and categorize these lonely hangers for further use. Is this at all necessary? NO! Do I feel an unending need to do this? YES!


This does not mean that my room is particularly clean. While I cannot allow the unused hanger to stay in the closet I often lose gusto after I remove the offending object from the closet and they land on the floor in a designated spot at the foot of my bed. YES, my warped and twisted OCD has contingency plans! I cannot leave the hangers just anywhere on the floor there is a special place for these discards. Obviously!

I am willing to acknowledge that none of this is logical to the average human, but to me it all makes perfect sense. While I expect no one else to uphold my ridiculous standards of organization I cannot simply abandon them and move on...that would be CRAZY!

.....and so I go forth confusing the Costco employs, entertaining my roommate with refrigerator organization antics, and discarding the unused hangers. Such is life.



  1. haha I wish I had a little OCD, just for the sheer fact I need a little help in the organization department! The only OCD attributes I can claim are an odd counting/numbers fascination that defies typical English teacher roles haha Don't feel bad for the Costco employees- they are learning valuable skills

  2. I will gladly teach you the ways young grasshopper!

  3. Pookie,
    You have an incredible vocabulary, This blog had me laughing and confused at some words, thank god I'm amazing at context clues how in the world would i live without them. Any who now for the made up words...this is a fantastical blog your an anazinggggggggggggggggggggg person and I loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee you so much, remind me why your not going to be a English teacher? OCD has always been a part of you I'm happy to see you haven't lost it, I vividly remember us putting tape down the middle of the room because you were so crazy with OCD and I literally had apple cores and chicken bones In my dresser. All while we had bunk beds...does this makes sense...NO! But did it work for us for 13 years of sharing a room and bed...Somewhat! haha.


  4. oh my god baby sissy you made me LOL more real! you make it sound like you are some sort of homeless person who lived in doors hahaha. It was good times ....and your like the 3rd person to say that I should teach english.

  5. haha this had me cracking up! When I'm checking out at the grocery store I put "like items" together on the conveyor belt so that the bagger knows how to bag my things. Yet they still usually manage to eff everything up, so sometimes I just take over. I used to be a cashier at Meijer, which is like Safeway I guess, and it wasn't like trying to perform open heart surgery or anything. I mean, is it too much to ask to not put my toilet bowl cleaner in with my raw meat? or to put all of the cereal together so that the bags fit nicely in my back seat?
    (I am [not so] secretly excited that those last two lines rhymed.)

  6. OH! and I forgot: I love the picture at the top of your page. It's perfect :)

  7. lol Alyse, you crack me up.

    I can so see you frustrating all the Cosco employees. You're adorable even with your OCD ways!

    I think I have OCD too, I am super weird about people's tags sticking out of the back of their shirts..and whenever I am playing games that involve cards I have to keep the cards stacked neatly. We're probably all a little OCD in some way.
