Thursday, July 29, 2010

Have I Told You How Spectacular I Am???

In case the last several blog entries haven't hit home for you yet i'll catch you up.....blah blah blah I am AWESOME! To prove this I thought I would show off this stupendous blogging award that I was given.

You see up until yesterday I  was not really sure what the heck this thing was but I discovered that there is a whole big world of bloggers out there and they give awards to others to recognize them for their awesomeness....I am all for this! In receiving this award I have been asked to share 10 things about myself which is great because this blog is nothing but talking about myself so now I can kill two birds with one stone.

1. Pandora is my sole mate. It knows me better then I know myself and continuously plays the soundtrack to my life.
2.I made it through 3 years at a state university before I had to take out a loan or pay anything out of pocket.
3.I have access to the Pentagon and if you don't know what this means I am sorry for you....really I'll give you a hug later.
4.I thought my name was unique until a year ago when there was a bunch of people who had my name coming out of the woodwork...that was a blow to my ego!
5.I can sit still but I can't sit alone.
6.I have no athletic skills whatsoever....seriously! I am epically bad at all sporting events.
7.My biggest fear is that I will lose my youthful idealism and become a terrible teacher who given worksheets and watches soap operas on the computer.
8.I live a highly planned, structured, and organized life Monday through Friday and then the weekend arrives and I lose all ability to plan ahead. This is fabulous until 7 pm roles around and I realize its Saturday and I am on the couch...another momentary blow to my ego and then I have to make plans in hyper drive.
9.I have complete faith in my ability to sustain long distance friendships and Zero faith in long distance relationships. Actually, I suck at relationships in general. I should probably take a charm school but girl friend school. I am a really good student.
10. I firmly believe that true happiness lies within you.

Soon I will find another deserving blogger to pass this award onto. Hmmm perhaps this will be incentive/peer pressure to get B.MO's blogging butt moving!

....ok B.Mo is officially on the blogging band wagon so I dumb her an official Sugar Doll award recipient!



  1. So did you hand over the award to BMO? I saw she made an entry! lol I think you did something magical there! haha!

    I love your number 5..sounds just like me :)

    That is so funny I pictured you to be good at some sort of sport...its ok though I still love you!

    Aw Pentagon access is quite amazing. I think we should make t-shirts. :D ...seriously. Let's look into that!

  2. hahahahhhah oh thank you sugar doll! I feel warm, fuzzy, and welcomed! 8 days until I get to see you ladies!
