Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Be Quiet Like Little Turkeys!?

For some in explicable reason everything is funnier at 2am and if you combine severe jet lag with a 2am conversation its three times as funny as it should be. I know this because of personal experience, you see it all started when I was 16 and embraced a once in a life time opportunity to travel Europe with my best friend.

My best friend, beccalove, is a military brat and was exiled...i mean stationed over seas in Italia! Of course the military being the military decided Italy can be conquered in a year and so she was set to move to Germany. All this was to take place during my whirlwind 3 week vacay.

The Trip....

It started out at an ungodly hour at LAX. After hugs and kisses I said adios to the pops and boarded a flight to JKF in the big apple. Upon arriving in JFK I made my way to the international terminal where I would wait for the next four hours. However, the international terminal in 2005 was under construction and reminded me of some sort of third world market place. I say this because there were pigeons flying around inside the building...classy I know. Several hours later I made my way onto my next flight and oh so soundly slept my way across the Atlantic. When I woke up the Swiss alps were outside my window and I was fairly sure the plane had crashed, I had died and entered Heaven. Who new Heaven looked so much like Europe!

I spent the next two weeks sipping wine ( I was legal YAY), eating gelato, taking pictures, and laughing till I cried. Then came the trip to Germany. The "beautiful" green suburban beast was packed and ready to hit the road, unfortunately, rocky the cat wasn't quite as prepared for the journey. This led to approximately an hour of meowing and having the back of my head mauled by an angry feline. I finally gave in and took him out of the cage and set him in my lap. The cat then proceeded to shed what I assume is 112 pounds of fur onto my black sweat pants. Thanks Rocky! I looked like a cat lady at every rest stop in Austria and Germany!

After arriving in Germany and discovering that beccalovee had  her very own apartment (the entire third floor of there new home) to herself we went straight into unpacking mode....thats when I discovered the greatest invention in the history of EVER! ...Rolladens. They are basically black out curtains times 77.

As you can clearly see they are amazing! Thanks to these bad boys I had 14 hours of blissfully uninterrupted sleep on our first night in Ramstein. The next week in Germany was fairly fabulous. We celebrated 4th of July which turned into firework hunting. You figure they are high up in the sky so you will see them...HA...not so much. After several locations were attempted we stood in the street and watched with pride for our country and elation at our ability to have located these elusive beasts! Fireworks were not the only highlight of my fourth of July abroad, you see, this was also the day that I discovered hot coco comes in "big how'ya doin" size. Apparently when words fail you sizes can be converted by simple mathematical conversion into the lesser know "how'ya doin" system. The rest of the rip revolved around braving the cold weather (its warmer in AZ in December than Germany is in July) and soaking up the history of each place we visited. Soon it was time for me and beccalove to traverse the globe and venture back to LA.

The Trip Home....

When we arrived at Frankfurt we discovered that there was a good chance we were being punk'd. Our gate literally could not have been located any further from the security check point ... seriously! After what felt like an eternity crossing the Sahara we  reached our gate and began begging a pleading to get our seats changed next to one another. Mission accomplished on that one...One small step for Delta air one Giant leap for single female passengers.

After boarding we discovered that our flight attendant was older than Santa Claus himself....actually he looked a lot like the old guy who plays chess with himself before one of the Toy Story movies. He kept offering us newspapers written in languages I don't speak and cautiously trotting at a snails pace down the aisle. 

Soon we landed back in the foreign Bazaar known as the International Terminal of JFK and somehow made it to our connecting flight on time. The next flight was less eventful and these flight attendants were not old enough to have seen the Titanic sink.

Back in LA....

Buy no we were not sure what time zone we were in and calculus was required to try and unearth how many hours we had spent wide awake chatting with strangers and eating peanuts. But none of that really mattered because I got to reunite with my lil sis and pops! The three of us girls started chatting at a million miles an hour and hilarity obviously ensued (poor pops!). Looking back I realize it was delirium and not hilarity but at that point who cares! Not I.

Several hours later we made our way to bed...or so I thought. The hilarity and incessant chatter had not concluded you see, and after several attempts to stop talking and find our way into neverland someone would inevitably break the silence and laughter would, again, be reverberating off the walls. Finally, enough was enough! So my sister in her infinite wisdom whispers "Shhhhhh guys! Be quiet like little Turkeys!" 

So the next time you are jet lagged, sleep deprived, and have crossed 232 time zones please remember to be quiet like little turkeys.



  1. I love those turkey pics! And I write all my posts in the middle of the nights because I figure everything makes more sense at that time... or so I think

  2. hahaha that is awesome! I am particularly fond of the 'Fonze' turkey! Those black out shades look really intense!

  3. oh you have no idea bsquared....its like heaven and chocolate!

  4. lol! Little sisters say the funniest things sometimes at 2 in the morning. I want some of those black-out shades! Heck yes! I too like The Fonze Turkey! yeah! lol

  5. lol it was "delirium and not hilarity" had me cracking up. I have definitely been there, and I think it still counts as hilarity :)

  6. I need to start blogging; I too am AMAZING! (:

  7. apparently we are related cheeky! haha
