Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pasta Is The Greatest Invention Ever!

For anyone who knows me even vaguely it will come as no shock that I have an incredible and slightly ridiculous love for PASTA. While most people believe that a good spaghetti dinner is scrumptious and should be in somewhat regular rotation...I have taken to an entirely new level. This is not like saying I "liked" it on Facebook its more to the level where I could right a sonnet declaring my deep affection for past...or perhaps receive a restraining order from pasta notifying me that I have officially reached stalker status. Either way its safe to say I really really really like PASTA and here is why:

1. Pasta is a chameleon....seriously!

These noodles come in oodles of shapes,sizes and fun colors! YAY see...

2. Pasta sits at the popular table. 

Pasta has made friends with nearly every other delectable food and or sauce on the planet and they have collaborated to make sweet sweet melodies. NO food is more popular the pasta...this is the original mean girl.

3. Pasta is prepared for a long term commitment.

You see pasta is well aware that its delicious goodness may not be eaten in one sitting and that you might save a little for later. Pasta is ready for this type of 3 to 4 day commitment. Pasta will gladly make friends with your  fridge and wait patiently till you return for the questions asked.

4.Pasta is tasty.

It really is as simple as that ... and if that last 77 pictures didn't make you hungry then you are from a strange planet and I want nothing to do with your evil pasta hating ways.

5. Pasta is a romantic.

Deep down inside pasta really just wants to bring romance to the world as demonstrated in this Disney classic...

6.Pasta encourages playing with your food.

Not only can you swirl and twirl your pasta but it never backs down from a good food fight...even if the participant is, shall we say, unwilling. It practically begs you to play with your food...despite what your mother told you.

7. Pasta is tasty
...did I already say this...well I mean it. PASTA is the greatest invention ever. I will gladly give up my ipod and TV for an endless supply of past. My laptop, however, is not on the bargaining table ( gonna need it to stream TV and Music while I eat PASTA!!!)


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  1. haha My favorite is how spaghetti is the original Mean Girl :D
    I miss ya face!

  2. just call me queen of analogies HAHHA

  3. ALYSE MY LOVE! So I think our coffee dates should turn into pasta dates because I am also a stalker of pasta. I am pretty sure if Dean didn't like pasta I would break up with him. Luckily for him, it is one of his favorite foods. :)

    I love you my dear and I miss you so much!

  4. I love the part about the 3-4 day commitment. sometimes pasta is even better with a reheat! BUT: I am giving you the stink eye now because I just woke up and now I'm starving for some pasta... pasta for breakfast? I think so.
